Help Protect the Birdlife of Botswana
Your donation can make a difference for the birdlife of Botswana. Your support will enable us to protect and conserve the birds and their habitats, educate local communities, and promote sustainable development practices. Join us in our mission to make Botswana a better place for birds and people.

The Government of Botswana through the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in partnership with UNDP is implementing the transformative 7-year GEF funded Kgalagadi Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystem Project (KGDEP). This project is sought to improve management of human–wildlife interface, sustain flow of agro-ecosystem services and prevention of illegal wildlife trafficking in the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Drylands.

Next camp
Dear BLB member,
Our next walk takes place on Sunday 2nd March, when we meet at Molapo Crossing. We will depart from there at 06:30 sharp and make for a good birding spot outside Thamaga. Indications are that you won’t need to bring a snorkel, but Wellington boots may not be out of place. Ability to swim will be more important than being able to identify birds. Beginners are welcome and so are well-behaved children, but no pet dogs or fish are allowed. Please bring refreshments, a folding chair and your binoculars.. Read more.
The support of our partners, donors and supporters is essential to the success of our organization. At Birdlife Botswana, we are grateful for every contribution and donor who has supported our work for bird conservation and environmental protection. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our partners, donors and supporters for their continued generosity and support.