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Under Environmental Education program in Birdlife Botswana we liaise with schools, communities and relevant stakeholders to talk about issues of conservation and environmental sustainability.


Under schools, with work with Environmental clubs within those respective schools. Via the school clubs we are able to administer activities, projects and field trips that equip them with knowledge and skills to take care and advocate for environmental conservation.

This is an extra curriculum activity in schools, so students are flexible to suggest their activities and projects to undertake as this encourages them to enjoy and feel engaged into this. We also do competitions for schools as a way of encouraging them to work positively to environmental conservation.


Additionally, schools are part of every commemoration we celebrate within the Environmental Calendar of events. This events includes, International Vulture Awareness Day, World Migratory Bird Day, World Environment Day and many others.

As for communities, we engage them in consultation with issues that can affect the environment and help them to mitigate some of the action that can impact the environment in a negative way.


We work with Farmers groups in several communities to try and come up with strategies that help sustain their environment while they continue with their farming. We also involve community leaders in decision making of environmental issues.


You can help us spreading education awareness by donating to our programs.  Please click the link below to donate.


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