BLB Awareness meetings with IRDNC Namibia
BirdLife Botswana in partnership with IRDNC Namibia last week facilitated the Chobe Transboundary Natural Resources Management (TBNRM) Forum to hold awareness meetings on transboundary issues such as poaching, transboundary pastoralism, illegal fishing, crossborder crime as well as vulture and wildlife poisoning in the Chobe Enclave from 7th to 11th August 2023 .
The Chobe TBNRM Forum is formed by three CBOs, Chobe Enclave Conservation Trust(CECT) from Botswana and Bamunu and Salambala conservancies from Namibia. These three CBOs have signed an MOU to have joint activities in addressing issues affecting their neighbouring communities and also to benchmark and share information on initiatives.
Awareness meetings were held in the following villages: Mabele, Kavimba, Satau and Parakarungu. This was facilitated under the TBNRM project with funding from KfW Germany facilitated through the KAZA secretariat.