BirdLife Botswana's Category B rarities list is intended to fill the gap between the Category A rarities list (less than 10 records in the country) and common birds.
Category B birds are species which, though uncommon, have more than ten records, and we would like to receive more records to learn more about their status. Category B records do not need a description to substantiate the sighting.
The majority of species on the list occur sparsely over much of the country, often in numbers that vary from year to year. BirdLife Botswana would like to monitor the populations of these species to get a greater understanding of population and distribution.
Please check out the list of Category B species for Botswana and submit your sightings to us via email.
Please include :
Species, including the number observed
Location (GPS preferable)
Date of observation
Any observation of the species that may be of interest
Photos if any were taken
Name & contact details of the observer(s) so that we can follow up with you for more information.